
Racial Harassment

A concern was raised regarding comments and actions by one employee about another, which the complainant believed had racist undertones.  The matter was investigated by Mustard HR, who took a careful approach in this highly sensitive situation.  It transpired that others in what was a very small team had witnessed similar conduct by the [...]

By |2020-09-29T16:48:25+01:00September 29th, 2020|Case Example, Conduct, Culture, Equality and Diversity|

Redundancy: 5 good reasons to consider Outplacement Support

What is Outplacement Support? “Outplacement” is used to support employees facing a job loss with the transition to the next phase of their career.  It is usually facilitated by an external provider and funded by the employer. Many employers facing the unpleasant task of making cuts question whether spending money on outplacement is counter-intuitive, [...]

The future of employment: the end of the (working) world as we know it?

What a difference 12 months makes... Mustard HR has been trading for a full year now.  It is fair to say in that short period, the world of work (actually, the world full stop) has changed significantly and further changes look set to continue. The first six months of setting up as an Independent [...]

Navigating a career and family life: Guest Blog

Way back at the end of March, when the Corona virus pandemic was only just starting to unfold in the UK and we all found ourselves in a very strange and unknown predicament, I had been asked to write a guest blog post on navigating a career and family life for Claire Brown Coaching, who [...]

Flexible Working Requests: 5 Top Tips

Mustard HR recently wrote a guest blog post on flexible working for the parenting website and blog ‘The Resilient Mama’.  This was pre COVID-19 restrictions in the UK and as we now know, the flexible working landscape seems to have changed somewhat (in terms of working from home anyway).  However, the blog post focused [...]

(No) Blame Culture

I’m writing this following a friend, a fellow HR professional, being instructed to apologise as an outcome to a grievance.  I couldn’t help feeling how utterly horrid and inhumane this course of action was. Firstly, enforcing an apology doesn’t usually work with a child, let alone a fully-fledged adult.  But also, why would you [...]

By |2020-01-06T10:38:01+01:00January 5th, 2020|Business, Capability, Culture, leadership|

“All things Flexible Working”: Q&A with HR Puzzle

Earlier this month I caught up with Anna Ives, a fellow HR Independent.  Anna specialises in flexible working, which is also a big passion of mine.  I was interested to find out about Anna’s experiences, what led her to specialise in flexible working and a how she applies this herself.  You can read the [...]

By |2019-10-27T13:13:22+01:00October 27th, 2019|Business, Consultancy, Culture, Flexible working, Negotiation|


Why are women expected to ‘man up’ to make it to the top? It has often been said that a man looking at a job description where he possesses half the required skills and experience will talk himself into applying, whereas a woman will talk herself out of it. I was recently fortunate to [...]

By |2019-07-26T15:48:10+01:00July 26th, 2019|Culture, Equality and Diversity, Leadership|
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