
Human Resources consultant providing consulting services to businesses about employment redundancies.

Redundancy: 5 good reasons to consider Outplacement Support

What is Outplacement Support? “Outplacement” is used to support employees facing a job loss with the transition to the next phase of their career.  It is usually facilitated by an external provider and funded by the employer. Many employers facing the unpleasant task of making cuts question whether spending money on outplacement is counter-intuitive, [...]

The future of employment: the end of the (working) world as we know it?

What a difference 12 months makes... Mustard HR has been trading for a full year now.  It is fair to say in that short period, the world of work (actually, the world full stop) has changed significantly and further changes look set to continue. The first six months of setting up as an Independent [...]


Mustard HR was commissioned to support a redundancy situation due to a change in the direction of the business. The affected employees were placed at risk of redundancy and a consultation period commenced.  Mustard HR worked with the client to carefully consider all representations put forward during consultation and respond to these accordingly. The [...]

Making redundancy the best thing that happened!

Read my guest blog post for ‘Another Door’ "I’m Lucy Feavearyear, an HR professional. I can’t say that HR was always my calling, in-fact for the interview for my first (admin) role in an HR team, I had to look up what “Human Resources” meant!  However, I learnt quickly and it was a career [...]

By |2019-08-30T11:33:26+01:00August 23rd, 2019|Coaching, Redundancy, Restructuring|

Catering Restructure

Tasked with restructuring the Healthcare Catering service in response to the withdrawal of a ‘Meals on wheels’ service. I worked with the management team to draw up a business case for the multiple homes for the elderly affected, which proposed to change and/or delete various roles. After consultation with recognised Trade Unions, the restructure [...]

By |2019-06-26T18:34:53+01:00June 9th, 2019|Case Example, Negotiation, Redundancy, Restructuring|

Restructure : Care Homes

The relocation of three care homes to create new large home meant that all catering staff had been put at risk of redundancy.  The project involved collaborative working with the sister company who employed the care staff and included consultation not only with employees but with the home residents and their families (which was [...]

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